Ajax took action after complaint about Bogarde | Football

Ajax reacted Monday evening – without mentioning his name – to the Bogarde issue, which NRC writes about. It is true that an anonymous complaint was received at Ajax on October 1, 2020 about cross-border behavior by an Ajax employee. Ajax took immediate action on that,” the statement reads.

private matter

“The report has been independently investigated by two external authorities. The first instance, the Institute for Sports Jurisdiction (ISR), has dismissed the case. In addition, the ISR has determined that the relationship between the reporter and the Ajax employee originated outside the sport and must be regarded as a private matter. The other body is an investigation agency that, after the decision of the ISR, has asked Ajax to investigate the complaint independently. This after consultation with and consent of both the reporter and the employee.”

And: “The investigation and the report of this second instance did not result in the complaint being upheld. On the basis of the report, Ajax (May 2021) concluded that this matter should be regarded as a private matter and also determined that no further actions were necessary from Ajax’s employer.
