Ajax in conversation with Michael van Praag about position in RVC

With Michael van Praag, Ajax has acquired perhaps one of the most experienced football administrators in the Netherlands. Van Praag was chairman of the club from 1989 to 2003, and subsequently remained very involved as honorary chairman.

Ajax has conversations with Michael van Praag (76) and Leo van Wijk (76) about a position on the Supervisory Board. With Van Praag and Van Wijk, Ajax hopes to bring in two experienced directors who can bring order to the administrative chaos at the Amsterdam club.

The duo will soon have to take the places of the resigned Pier Eringa and interim general manager Jan van Halst. The remaining commissioners Annette Morsman, Georgette Schlick and Cees van Oevelen would see in the two veterans the calmness and experience that the club desperately needs at the moment.

The crisis at Ajax gained momentum last week – after a dramatic Classic. On Sunday, the club fired technical director Sven Mislintat. According to interim director Jan van Halst, there was no longer any support for the German – even after accusations of conflict of interest. Shortly afterwards, chairman Pier Eringa resigned under pressure from supporters.

Experienced driver

Van Praag is considered one of the most important football administrators in the Netherlands. He was chairman of Ajax for fourteen years, where he achieved great success. Highlights included the UEFA CUP in 1992 and the Champions League in 1995.

After Ajax, Van Praag continued his career at the KNVB, where he was chairman until 2019. In 2015, Van Praag put himself forward as a candidate for the presidency of the FIFA football association, but withdrew shortly afterwards.

Micheal is the son of the deceased Jaap van Praag, also chairman of Ajax. With Jaap van Praag, Ajax experienced its glory days in the sixties and seventies. He won the European Cup three times and the World Cup once. But son Michael was certainly not inferior to that. During his fourteen years as chairman, he became a popular director.

Van Praag is also known as a valued chairman among Ajax supporters. During his chairmanship, as ‘head of supporter affairs’ he maintained close contact with the hard core of Ajax. He is said to have had the telephone numbers of F-side leaders and to have visited notorious hooligans in prison.

Basketball President

Today it was also announced that Michael van Praag will most likely become chairman of the Dutch Basketball Association. Van Praag still has to be officially elected by the members, but so far he is the only nominated candidate.
