Air conditioners: the new models and how to keep them efficient

THEL climate change has inevitably triggered an increase in temperatures and with the great heat now upon us we will have to resort to air conditioners in the home or office to find the right well-being and continue with daily activities.

Air conditioner bonuses

If you don’t have an air conditioner yet and you think it’s time to proceed with the purchase, know that until 31 December 2024 you can deduct the purchase from your tax return.

To take advantage of the incentives on air conditioners 2023, however, it is essential to know the conditions provided for by the legislation. If, for example, you decide to improve the energy efficiency of your home by installing an air conditioner, you will be able to access the eco-bonus, counting on personal income tax deductions of up to 65%.

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If you stay instead totally or partially arranging the house, the building renovation entitles you to tax benefits of up to 50% on the costs incurred for the purchase of an air conditioner with an energy class equal to or higher than A+.

Finally, if your requirement is to renew the cooling systems even without proceeding with a renovationyou will still be able to access the 2023 air conditioner bonus, always choosing models ad high efficiency for the 65% deduction.

Once the home air conditioning system has been installed, to reduce waste, limit energy consumption and obtain maximum indoor comfort, Mitsubishi Electric has made one practical guide to use your air conditioner efficientlyavoiding unpleasant surprises in bill.

Where to place the air conditioners

Correctly choosing the best location to install the cooling unit is very important. So long as cold air is heavier and tends to move downwards, this will mix with the hot one which, being lighter, will rise to the top. Fundamental therefore, is that the installation takes place in the upper part of the chosen wall.

Just as it is important avoid covering the air conditioner when it is in operation. Anything placed in front of it will act as a barrier preventing the correct diffusion of air; it is therefore often enough to select this function to feel the benefit.

Stop the freezing temperatures

Compared to the external ‘climate’ it is always advisable reduce the internal temperature by 2/3 degrees. In this way, in addition to avoiding sudden changes in temperature, the energy consumption. Furthermore, if possible, it is better to prefer the dehumidification mode. Summer heat is often perceived as fiery due to excessive concentration of humidity in the air.

One unit per room

Let’s dispel a myth, a single large and powerful air conditioner cannot cool several rooms. Only after careful sizing of your home/office by a qualified installer will it be possible to identify the best solution for maximum comfort.

The ideal climate is achieved only when the room we decide to cool has doors and windows closed. If these are open, the hot air will join the cold one and you will be tempted to lower the air conditioner by several degrees, thus obtaining only two aspects: energy expenditure and dissatisfaction.

Turn on once and keep the temperature constant

Turning the air conditioner on and off continuously not only disperses the coolness achieved, but helps to increase energy consumption. Better, therefore, to turn on only once and set the temperature so that it remains constant throughout the day. At night then, by activating the ‘sleep’ function, the unit reduces its activation to a minimum.

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Do not neglect the maintenance of air conditioners

Cleanliness is everything. Before switching on it is advisable clean the air filters and fans representing the barriers to viruses, bacteria and dust. There air conditioner maintenance and refrigerant check by professional techniciansthen, they must be carried out periodically, with a frequency that varies from 2 to 4 years, depending on the type of power supply and the thermal power of the system.

