Air conditioners, doubled costs: tips to save

THEPrime Minister Mario Draghi said immediately after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war that the time would come to choose: «Do we want the air conditioners on or peace?“. Clearly we wanted peace, but unfortunately it is not possible to solve a tragedy with such an easy choice.

Air conditioners: be careful not to overdo the cool

Not being able to get the best effect, one can at least try to use the cool air conditioning carefully. For the climate And not to wastemeanwhile, since we can’t afford it. But also to save moneygiven that due to the geopolitical situation and energy prices that continue to rise, with the same use last year, you will spend twice as much.

The alarm was raised by Selectra, the company that compares electricity, gas and internet tariffs, which conducted a study to simulate how much each Italian family could spend to turn on the air conditioners in the house.

cost air conditioners

The costs of having fresh air in the house double, but there are some actions to be taken to save. (Getty Images)

Expenses doubled in the bill

In June, for each air conditioner sufficient to cool a 25 square meter room, Selectra estimates one cost in the bill of over 10 euros per month more than in June 2021. This is for those who still rely on the highest protection service.

For those, on the other hand, who find themselves in the free market, compared to last year, will spend about 9.5 euros more per month.

Those who still have one of the most convenient offers on the Free Market will have a smaller increase and will find themselves paying about 7.5 euros more than a year ago.

Air conditioners? To save the fan better

Self it was decided to save a lot morethen it will be better to think of cool the rooms with the fan: here the costs will go to electricity and will be a little cheaper.

This means that, in the protected market, the cost will be 3 euros per monthwhile for those who have one of the most convenient offers on the free market, the price drops to 2.5 euros.

Even in this case, however, this is a doubling of what was spent in June 2021when the cost was between 1 euro and 1.5 euro / month.

How to reduce consumption

To reduce the consumption of air conditioners in the home and to save the wallet and also the environment, Selectra has drawn up a vademecum with some advice to make the most of the fresh air in the house.

First fundamental step, certainly carry out proper maintenance before the start of the summer season. It is important not only for health, as molds and bacteria, including salmonella, easily accumulate in filters, but also for the amount of energy we risk wasting.

In order to have a lower effect on consumption, it is certainly cheaper use the dehumidification functionuseful since it is often the high humidity that makes you perceive higher temperatures.

The arrangement of the air conditioners

The layout of the plant. Much better to install more devices in the house, so as to keep switched on only those in the frequented areas. It is also preferable to arrange them as high as possible, so that the cold air will tend to descend.

The difference between the home and outdoor temperatures should never exceed 6 degrees e when the air conditioner is on, all doors and windows should be closed. It would also be ideal to avoid the heating effect of direct sunlight by closing curtains or blinds.

The bonus is smart programming

Better to prefer new generation inverter devices with a higher energy class that will allow you to reduce consumption by up to 30-40%.

Furthermore, bonuses for the purchase of air conditioners are also foreseen in 2022 highly efficient, in the event of renovations or energy redevelopments, with possible reimbursements between 50% and 65%.

And finally, vMake sure that the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is not exposed to the sun and bad weather.

