Air alert announced in Kiev

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, said on Telegram that the people of Kyiv can use four metro stations as bomb shelters, now trains do not run through them.

“These are the stations: Akademgorodok, Nivki, Svyatoshyn and Zhitomirskaya.
I will also inform you that all stations of the Kiev metro are available to people at any time of the day during the alarm, ”he wrote and added that the entrance to the stations is free.

Read on RBC Pro

On the morning of February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the start of a military operation in Ukraine. He explained his decision by the “genocide” of the civilian population, which Russia must prevent. The President emphasized that Moscow does not intend to occupy Ukrainian territories, and that its goal is the demilitarization and denazification of the neighboring country.

After that, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced missile attacks on Ukrainian military infrastructure. In particular, it was about pinpoint strikes on airfields and command posts in the area of ​​Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa. The Ministry of Defense claims that nothing threatens the civilian population.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky introduced martial law throughout the country and severed diplomatic relations with Moscow, and airspace over Ukraine was also closed.
