Aid transport from Roden en route to the Polish-Ukrainian border

Canned food and fruit, 2,600 bottles of water, about 150 sleeping bags, sleeping pads, medical materials and toys for the children. A truck and two vans left early this morning from Roden to the Polish-Ukrainian border to help the refugees there.

In recent days there has been massive collection in Roden and the surrounding area. “I was driving to Rotterdam last Wednesday for my grandson’s birthday, when I said to my wife and daughter: ‘We have to do something about this crisis? But what?'” says transport driver Henk-Jan Hofman. This is how he came into contact with Arie van Klei of the Oost-West Kontakten Foundation. Two days later they staged an action.

Jasper Bergwerff and Henk Mennes, among others, are being roped in to drive to Poland. “Henk-Jan called me if I wanted to drive to Poland. Within ten minutes I had discussed it with my wife and made the decision”, Bergwerff smiles. “You are going to an area where something is really going on. But those refugees have to leave everything behind, they just need help.”

Watch the video below with the departure of the emergency transport:
