Ahmet Nur Cebi handed over his list – Breaking Beşiktaş news

In the presidential elections to be held in Beşiktaş on May 29, Beşiktaş President Ahmet Nur Çebi submitted the list of the board of directors to the chairmanship of the council.

Saying that he completed his first term of office, Cebi said, “I gave the list a week ago, we renewed it and handed over the second list. I sincerely thank all my friends with whom I worked together. It was a very difficult process, it was more difficult than the past. It is more difficult than the one ahead. I would like to thank my friends on the board of directors. Some of our ways have parted for now, we have new friends. They want to serve our community as well. I hope they will be successful too. We thank those who left, we thank the other candidate. I wish there was an election where more candidates could compete and compete. “Unfortunately, this happened. The factors of this may be the crisis produced by the pandemic, the difficulties in the sports law, or those who want to say ‘keep it up, the president’ to support us. I wish they would run for the election. I hope that in the next period, we will have election processes in which more people participate. God bless us all and May the good ones grant our Beşiktaş. is the community. Our community should not hesitate. We are strong enough to overcome all kinds of difficulties. The incoming and outgoing administrators are a monument of courage,” he said.
Ahmet Nur Çebi’s list of board of directors includes the following names:

Engin Axci
Emre Kocadag
Mehtap Mutlu Senferah
Celal Aral
Serhan Cetinsaya
Murat Kilic
Hope Tahir Gunes
Ali Flag
