Agustín “Cachete” Sierra: “I was unemployed for two years”

The first thing that attracts attention when starting the conversation with the actor Augustine Sierra It is his aguardiento voice, masculine and at the same time seductive. But just as attractive is her smile that exudes sympathy and kindness. Far from any divisiveness, she lends herself to the conversation with sincere enthusiasm and cordiality.
Emerged from the fictions of Cris Morena, he was part of the cast of the popular and successful strips “Chiquititas”, “Rincón de luz”, “Floricienta” and “Casi ángeles”, among others.

During his time at ShowMatch’s “Singing 2020”, on El Trece, he managed to win the hearts of the people and was crowned champion, something that not even he imagined, after suffering continuous observations from the mythical Nacha Guevara to his, according to her , intonation out of tune. It was also a very hard year in which he suffered inconsolable losses, such as the death of his grandfather and his father.

In the following television season, he returned to another production by Marcelo Tinelli and was one of the figures of “La Academia”. Although he did not win the contest, it was there that he found love with his partner, the dancer Fiorella Giménez: “I’m not much of a couple, this is my third courtship. We took it little by little and today we are happily in love, living together,” he says.

In this offer on the small screen, he was seen camouflaged as one of the participants in “Who is the mask?” (Telefe) and reached the semifinal. Lastly, together with Candela Vetrano, Mery Del Cerro and Tomás Fonzi, he starred in a new stage version of the play “The truth”by the prestigious French playwright and filmmaker Florián Zeller, directed by Ciro Zorzoli and produced by Gustavo Yankelevich, at the brand new Politeama room, in Paraná 500, which became one of the five most viewed shows and will return to the Buenos Aires billboard on January 13, 2023, but at the Apolo Theater.

“Over time we are going to realize that it is a historic opportunity,” he says, referring to having reopened the Politeama, a room that was demolished in 1958 and that Juan Jose Campanella salvaged and rebuilt.

News: When this new Politeama is mentioned in the future, it will be remembered that the reopening was with this work and with you in that cast. What does it feel like to participate in the renaissance of a new theater?

Augustine Sierra: Yes! Really. In the history of culture and Argentine theater. It was a dream come true to work with Yankelevich again, to open the stage in a new room, to meet Campanella, to do so with an extraordinarily well written play, a luxurious comedy that is intense and where I am on stage from start to finish. Everything was much more than any desire to do theater. I think it is an event that, as you say, will remain in the memory and that we will tell our children. But ultimately it was, is and will be a wonderful experience.
News: The great French actress Isabelle Huppert says that doing comedy is much more difficult than dealing with drama. What do you think?

Mountain range: I totally agree. I think comedy demands more attention and, in a sense, it’s kind of cruel. Although the play works and people laugh, there are days when the public comes tired and with their problems, and it’s harder to get a laugh. Due to the moment we are living, due to the economy, for whatever reason, getting a genuine smile or laugh is very difficult. So, in these times, telling a drama and taking it to a place where empathizing the pain is perhaps more comfortable. Anyway, the professionalism is the same. In our case, fortunately, we have an intelligent, interesting and enjoyable text. You never have to rely on laughter and you do have to be focused and connected because to do comedy you have to be more alive than ever. You have to find yourself all the time and that is the challenge or the key, to be present. Because maybe recognition only comes at the end. It is a daily learning so that each function is a new enjoyment.

News: What teaching did you learn from your last work experiences that involved singing, dancing and acting?

Mountain range: In addition to being physically well, in the sense of being permeable to the changing energy of each day, and that you have to be attentive to the energies that go through you, in fact, I practiced yoga and in recent years, fundamentally, I learned to take great care of myself. my voice. I have a vocal coach, but I take care of her and rest a lot. Which also implies having a calm mind and not letting yourself be invaded by stress. Do things right. Now that I think about it, I am in a more mature moment of my life. I have been working since I was little and I have always been very professional. That didn’t change. I am in a relationship, very well with my family, seeking to maintain a balance and enjoy the present.

News: How do you deal with the fact that acting is so uncertain with times luckier than others?

Mountain range: That is the most terrible and beautiful part of this profession. In that sense I grew up working. I started at the age of eight and I was lucky to have actresses by my side like Julia Calvo, whom I love and I think is a waste of talent, who always told me: “This is not the case, it is not normal that for twelve years in a row you have I work in the best strips and with Cris Morena”. That he should know how to value it, but have his feet on the ground. Because after doing those programs for more than a decade and consecutively, going on tours and being in the full Gran Rex, it happened the other way around, I was stopped for two years. I went back to doing theater, but in a cooperative and in independent theaters. Instead of main characters, some gig in a fiction. Do castings and not stay. But life has that, an ups and downs and it doesn’t mean you’re the worst. You just have to focus for when the opportunity returns, because there are always opportunities and we must know how to take advantage of them.

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