Agriculture ministers from the federal and state governments meet in Kiel

KIEL (dpa-AFX) – The federal and state agriculture ministers will meet in Kiel from Wednesday to Friday for their autumn conference. The agenda is long and is accompanied by critical demands and protests from agriculture. One topic is animal welfare. Schleswig-Holstein’s Agriculture Minister Werner Schwarz (CDU), who chairs the meeting, had already pointed out in advance the need to push ahead with the restructuring of livestock farming in Germany. “We have to give our farmers planning security and show them a reliable perspective.”

On Wednesday and Thursday the main focus is on preliminary consultations between the heads of office and the states. The actual ministerial conference begins on Friday morning. According to the announcements, the meeting will be accompanied by several demonstrations. On Thursday, farmers with several hundred tractors are expected in the state capital at two events to emphasize their demands for support and less bureaucracy./moe/DP/jha
