agreement with ERC and Junts, debt forgiveness in Catalonia and amnesty law

The Andalusian PSOE mobilizes so that its bases support the amnesty

The Andalusian PSOE has 45,000 registered members. It is, by far, the largest federation in the party. There is concern that the consultation with the bases on the PSOE government agreement of Sumar and other parties will go well, especially in terms of participation. Nobody expects surprises and it is assumed that whoever participates will give their majority a yes, but it is feared that discontent or the distance to this agreement, which implicitly entails support for an agreement with Junts and ERC that includes amnesty for those accused in the ‘procés’, manifests itself in the form of abstention.

In the final stretch, the agreement is advancing very quickly and the opposition’s offensive is also toughening, which will help, the socialist leadership understands, for the militancy to close ranks with Pedro Sánchez without hardly any cracks. “It has taken a lot for the PSOE militancy to get where we are and they are not going to contribute with their vote to creating obstacles so that the investiture fails and we have new elections, that is what the right is already there for, with the invaluable help of some irredeemable leaders of the PSOE.” “PSOE,” says a veteran socialist in Andalusia, alluding in his final reflection to the critical voices of Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra. Read all the information about Isabel Morillo here.
