Agreement on working conditions and wages at Schiphol, runway strikes | Instagram

There is an outline agreement on working conditions and wages at Schiphol Airport. That is what Schiphol CEO Dick Benschop said in The Hague. Benschop has to give text and explanation to the House of Representatives on Tuesday evening about the chaotic scenes at his airport that have been going on for weeks.

According to Benschop, the agreement will be signed and presented on Wednesday. FNV negotiator Joost van Doesburg also confirms that there is an agreement that the union will present to the members.

The strikes at Schiphol have been averted for now, says Van Doesburg. Now that there is an agreement, ‘we have no reason to take action’. He is ‘very pleased’ with what is in the agreement.

FNV wanted better working conditions for staff and a lower workload. This should also make it more attractive for people to come and work at Schiphol as a security guard or baggage handler. The trade union previously imposed a deadline on Schiphol. If no agreement was reached before 1 June, strikes would follow.

Benschop: ,,Keeping and making work at Schiphol attractive, that’s what the agreement is about. There will be better rewards, but also attention to safety and health. For years there has been a focus on growth and costs, but now that is changing to a focus on quality. From the airport, but also from work.”

Structural staff shortage

It has been chaos at Schiphol for four weeks due to a structural staff shortage and because many people want to go on holiday now that the corona restrictions have been lifted in most countries, resulting in long queues and many missed flights.

Schiphol already came up with an action plan last week to get through the summer well. For example, Schiphol wants to recruit more security personnel, make the employment conditions more attractive for employees and improve the flow of travelers in the terminal. This concerns, for example, coaches who help people through security more quickly and improved information provision. The airport is also trying to make agreements with airlines about reducing and rescheduling flights. FNV negotiator Van Doesburg: “I assume that we need fewer flights to stay ahead of the chaos.”
