Aggressive man (23) threatens BOA with death in Tilburg and kicks officer when arrested | NOW

A 23-year-old Tilburger threatened an Extraordinary Investigation Officer (boa) with death on Monday morning. That happened in a park on the Palmenstraat in Tilburg. Officers arrested the man. He resisted and kicked one of the officers.

After a report was received that a man would lie on a bench in the park and that it would no longer move, the boa, together with a colleague, went to take a look. In the park they found a man on a bench under a tarp. They recognized him from previous reports at the station. When they woke him up, the man reacted aggressively. He spat on the ground and kicked one of the officers.

The man told the woman who made the report to stay away from him. Then he picked up a rock and hit the bench hard with it. “I’ll stab you on your mother’s death,” he yelled at the boa.

He remained aggressive even after his arrest. He hit the walls in the cell complex.

According to the police, it is a multiple offender. He has been secured.
