Agent reveals: football star Mesut Özil for e-sports

Mesut Özil has failed to convince the Turkish league.

Mesut Özil scored seven goals last season in the Turkish league. AOP

Has been one of the most successful football stars of the last decade Mesut Özil is changing the sport from football to e-sports.

Özil, 33, who played for Fenerbahce in Turkey last season, has dropped his team coach Jorge Jesusin unpopularity, which could hasten the decision to close the winner of La Liga’s multiple feed exchange.

Özil has another two years left with the Turkish club.

In an interview with Telegraph, Özil’s agent Erkut Sogut revealed, he no longer sees Özil playing anywhere other than Fenerbahce. However, Sogut sheds light on the German star’s new career starting in e-sports.

– To be honest, he’s really good at playing Fortinite! I think he’ll be competing one day, the agent glowed at the Telegraph.

Özil already owns a competing e-sports team, so the sport is not quite foreign to him. According to the agent, Fortnite and Fifa would be games where a football star could compete in e-sports.

In January 2021, Özil was shelved at Arsenal six months before his contract expired. In the gunners, he was alleged to have played too many video games.

Arsenal paid Özil € 50 million in 2013 when a German superstar moved from Reali Madrid to the Premier League under a five-year contract.

Özil’s prize cabinet includes four FA Cup championships and one La Liga championship. He won the 2014 World Cup at the German national team.
