Agent forgets one essential sentence, now the Clio owner can whistle for 600 euros | Kamps does justice

KAMPS DOES RIGHTRonald Kamps writes daily about a lawsuit from the region. Not only about the sentence imposed, but also about the story behind it. Today’s case is about leaving the scene of the accident.

Two years ago, the suspect had a house on wheels. He turned the key, gave gas and parked his bed in Lelystad, Dronten or Zeewolde. Name a cross street or it was there. It sounds like Paradise by the Dashboard Light† It was hell.


His parents are divorced and Mom’s new boyfriend, Dad’s new girlfriend can shake hands. They don’t want him in the house. And so he is in his van. The leather jacket is his blanket. The moon’s nightlight. At the beginning of the morning he drives out of the parking space with his drowsy head. He grinds past the Clio standing next to him.
