Agent alarm in the Spandau fire station

Hazardous substance alarm at the Spandau-Nord fire station.  Forces in ABC special suits secured the area

Forces in ABC special suits secured the area Photo: Spreepicture

By Timo Beurich and Axel Lier

Huge alarm in the Spandau-Nord fire brigade station!

At around 4 p.m., the special device suddenly gave out during an exercise with a measuring device for contaminated hazardous substances.

Suspicion of warfare agents!

The guard on Triftstraße was cleared, and forces in NBC special suits secured the area. A second measuring device confirmed the high value. However, there was no evidence of actual contamination. Experts suspect that the measuring devices were set incorrectly.

LKA officials were called with another measuring device to be on the safe side. Around 6 p.m., the responsible emergency services gave the all-clear. In the evening, the LKA specialists investigated why the devices had triggered.


Berlin fire brigade chemicals
