Again too many minor asylum seekers in Ter Apel

Too many underage asylum seekers again have to spend the night in the reception location in Ter Apel on Saturday evening.

According to a spokesperson for the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), 325 minors are involved. Since last Friday, the judge has allowed a maximum of 55 children without parents to be cared for in the application center.

There is not enough space in Ter Apel to receive all these unaccompanied minors. Some of these children will therefore be forced to spend the night in a chair in the application centre.

Number of young people to Groesbeek

Saturday afternoon there were even 360 minor asylum seekers in Ter Apel. Some will be transferred to a reception location in Groesbeek. From Monday, a location must also be opened in Berkel-Enschot so that the shelter in Ter Apel is given a little more air.

State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum) said earlier this week that it would not be possible to reduce the number of minor asylum seekers in Ter Apel to 55 before the weekend. According to the State Secretary, this is practically impossible.

Van der Burg said he sees more benefit in the new asylum law that should regulate the distribution of asylum seekers. This must, among other things, force municipalities that refuse to cooperate to create reception places, but the cabinet has not yet reached an agreement on this law. Especially within the VVD, Van den Burg’s party, there is resistance.
