Again financial support for municipalities to prevent nuisance from asylum seekers | news item

News item | 24-05-2022 | 10:00

State Secretary Van der Burg (Justice and Security) is making 1.2 million euros available for municipalities to take local measures against nuisance caused by asylum seekers. Municipalities can use this money to choose an approach that best suits their problems. In the year 2020 and 2021, municipalities could also claim extra budget for this.

A relatively small group of asylum seekers causes nuisance in some municipalities through, for example, shoplifting, vandalism or threats. This undermines support for the reception of asylum seekers, while reception places are urgently needed. Nationally, in collaboration with the Public Prosecution Service, the police and the COA, for example, a wide range of measures have been deployed to tackle nuisance. At the same time, every municipality has to deal with different forms of nuisance. To tackle this in a targeted manner, customization is also necessary. This financial arrangement can help with that.

In total, a budget of €1,250,000 is available for the so-called specific benefit. Depending on the number of reception places that a municipality has, municipalities can receive a one-off benefit of a maximum of €150,000, a maximum of €100,000 or a maximum of €50,000. Municipalities can submit an application until 1 October. In the regulation states the conditions the measures must meet.

More information about the financial regulation and the approach to nuisance-causing asylum seekers can be found via: Approach to nuisance-causing asylum seekers
