Again decrease in corona infections: almost halved | 1Limburg

The number of corona infections has again fallen sharply in Limburg last week.

About 5789 Limburgers were tested positive last week. That is considerably less than the week before, when there were still 9409 people. This was reported by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on Tuesday.

Lowest average in the Netherlands
Limburg is also at the bottom of the list of most infections per 100,000 inhabitants. That is 518, a lot less than the national average of 741.

The number of deaths did not fall that fast: a total of nine Limburgers died, two fewer than the week before. The number of deaths in Heerlen is striking: four in total.

Most infections in Limburg were in the municipality of Sittard-Geleen (544), Maastricht (532) and Heerlen (477). This figure is lowest in Vaals (36), Bergen (39) and Mook en Middelaar (48).

The most positive infections per 100,000 inhabitants are in Nederweert (681), Simpelveld and Horst aan de Maas.

test lanes
Due to the declining corona infections, the government wants to largely phase out the test streets of the GGD. From 11 April, the advice to go to the GGD for confirmation after a positive self-test will be cancelled. In the run-up to that date, the number of tests taken has already decreased considerably. In the last seven days, health services took 220,512 corona tests, about a third less than the week before. 129,188 Dutch people were told last week that they had the virus among their members.
