Afternoonship Oliedorp: ‘Questions in Schoonebeek survey were guiding’

A survey to gauge the mood about wastewater injection in and around Schoonebeek can also count on approval from Naoberschap Oliedorp (NOD). But the context in which the questions were asked does not go down well with forewoman Margriet Weerman. “It is a missed opportunity that there was such a guiding survey.”

According to NOD, set up to highlight the positive sides of oil extraction for Schoonebeek, it did not resemble an independently prepared survey. But more on a ‘risk assessment and seeking statements of support’. “The questions were very guiding”, Weerman grumbles. It is suggested: are you afraid that…. And that suggests there will have to be fear.”

Last night, the survey results, held among more than 4000 addresses in Schoonebeek and surrounding villages, showed that 57 percent of the NAM pumping wastewater into empty gas fields is absolutely against it.

The petroleum company plans to restart oil extraction (which releases the wastewater) near the village, but does not yet have a permit to put this residual product back into the soil. Dorpsbelangen Schoonebeek wanted to know, before NAM receives a license for this, what local residents think of it, and took the initiative for the survey.

While Dorpsbelangen should play an independent role throughout the process, this has not happened, says Weerman. “It was presumed that a committee of inquiry had been put together under the supervision of Dorpsbelangen, but it was an interweaving with Stop Afvalwater Schoonebeek (action group that is critical of oil extraction, ed.)”, she claims. “Village interests have dropped stitches. A missed opportunity.”

For example, the survey has become more of a party for the opponents of restarting oil production. An independent question would therefore have been taken for granted. “The survey zooms in on risks, but does not specify them in any way. How big are those risks? Do they exist at all? There are references to reports that endorse this, but there are also those that state that the risks are negligible.”

According to NOD, the final survey can be described as little scientific, little researched and not representative. Weerman: “We therefore consider this survey unsuitable as a measuring instrument for measuring support.”

According to Weerman, NOD has communicated their findings to Village interests, among others, based on their own analysis. “We have had no response.” NOD is still considering follow-up actions.

The village council itself says it has not received NOD’s conclusions about the survey. Chairman Jos van Hees says he wants to start the conversation with the group.

View the reaction of Margriet Weerman of Naoberschap Oliedorp here.
