Afternoonship of Oliedorp: ‘Schoonebeek is not Groningen’

Schoonebeek is not Groningen, emphasizes Naoberschap Oliedorp (NOD) in its first ‘Naober Nieuws.’ As far as the action group is concerned, the Nederlandsche Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) can easily resume oil extraction and inject the wastewater into the empty gas field under Schoonebeek.

“There are earthquakes in Groningen because a lot of gas has been extracted from the soil. Oil extraction and water injection in Schoonebeek do not involve subsidence and earthquakes,” says Naoberschap Oliedorp. The action group does make reservations about resuming oil extraction. “Provided that NAM and Mining State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief act as naobers of Schoonebeek.”

It must be safe and NAM must become more sustainable, the action group writes in their first newsletter. The oil village must also share in the proceeds of the oil extraction.

According to the action group, the water injection is safe: “NAM has been injecting water into the soil near Schoonebeek for more than seventy years, both in the oil field and later also in the gas field. There is no question of subsidence or earthquakes due to water injection. There is, however, subsidence. due to peat subsidence. Schoonebeek is not Groningen, where the pressure in the subsurface has dropped considerably due to gas extraction. That results in earthquakes.”

“This is different with oil extraction and water injection. NAM reduces this risk by drilling new wells at the bottom of the empty gas field, far away from fractures and the salty top layer. And only plastic pipelines that cannot rust are used. We adhere to NAM this important commitment.”

And if there is an earthquake? “An earthquake of 2 on the Richter Scale cannot be felt, should an earthquake of 3 on the Richter Scale unexpectedly occur, NAM agrees to stop,” says Naoberschap Oliedorp.

Apart from what the government will return to the region in terms of oil revenues in the future (a scout is now talking about this on behalf of the municipalities of Emmen and Coevorden, ed.), the action group still sees a commitment of 2 million euros per year from the NAM itself to spend in Schoonebeek. NOD is thinking of making more use of local suppliers, graduation places for the youth of the village, sowing the pipelines with flowers and piggybacking on the NAM if it starts generating sustainable energy to extract oil. The oil extraction must become a win-win situation, according to the action group.

Martijn Jansen of NOD: “It will become increasingly difficult to bind the youth to Schoonebeek, buying or renting a home is also becoming increasingly difficult as a starter, also in Schoonebeek. Arrangements can be made for this. The NAM will remain in business for years to come. We can bind Schoonebeek and the youth, because the NAM helps our youth with housing, employment, a beautiful and lively center, funding of studies and contributions to sports contributions.”

“It is my wish that NAM, after removing the gas under Schoonebeek, will ensure that Schoonebeek also largely gets rid of the gas above ground,” adds Henno Leferink of NOD. “For example, with a fund. That must be so large that each household has the opportunity to spend, for example, 15,000 euros according to its own wishes on measures to make the home gas-free.”

The action group will have a meeting with State Secretary Vijlbrief on May 30 when he visits Schoonebeek. NOD is the counterpart of Stop Afvalwater Schoonebeek (SAS), which in any case wants a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to wastewater injection.
