After years of nuisance, Budel does not want to be ‘forced’ to receive asylum seekers

State Secretary Eric van der Burg of Justice and Security visited Budel on Wednesday. He talked to residents about the asylum seekers center in the village. It was mainly about the nuisance caused by the asylum seekers and how this can be reduced. There is also fear among the inhabitants. The State Secretary wants to introduce a law that forces municipalities to receive asylum seekers, but Budel wants to be ‘disrespected’ if that law is passed.

Profile photo of Eva de Schipper

The council of the municipality of Cranendonck, which Budel falls under, decided some time ago that the asylum seekers center must close on 1 July 2024. The cooperation agreement between the municipality and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) will then expire. This agreement ensures that a shelter may be located on the defense site.

However, there is also an administrative agreement between the municipality and the COA that states that an asylum seekers’ center may be established somewhere in the municipality. This agreement will last longer, until 2028. But after years of nuisance, theft and violent incidents, many people in Budel want to leave the asylum seekers’ center by 2024 at the latest.

“We have to remove the nuisance first.”

The state secretary just doesn’t want to get ahead of things yet. “Before we talk about the future of the asylum seekers’ centre, we must first remove the current nuisance and the feeling of insecurity.” Two months ago, Van der Burg was also in Budel to talk about the current situation surrounding the asylum seekers’ center.

Residents appreciate that he personally visits even the fiercest opponents of the asylum seekers’ center. It is only disappointing that the State Secretary makes few concrete commitments. Especially about the future of the asylum seekers center.

“People are completely done with it.”

Harm van Leuken is one of the residents who attended the meeting with the State Secretary. “People are completely done with it and no longer accept the nuisance.” He warns that residents may take the law into their own hands if asylum seekers try to steal something in the surrounding villages.

A petition against the asylum seekers’ center was signed 2064 times. Van Leuken also received piles of stories from people who have experienced something with residents of the asylum seekers’ center. “Some stories are really poignant and make it clear that it really can’t go on like this.”

“The girl thought she was dressed too summery and that’s why she was groped.”

As an example, Van Leuken mentions a mother and daughter who no longer work in Jumbo because they do not feel safe there. “They now work in a branch outside the municipality.” He also cites an incident at the thrift store. “A girl who works there was in danger of being groped when she was surrounded by asylum seekers. Afterwards, she blamed herself and thought she might have been dressed too summery.”

Van Leuken himself did not expect that the State Secretary would make firm promises on Wednesday. “He wanted to receive all critical questions that we asked in advance so that he could prepare, and they have not yet been answered.” This is now done in writing at a later time and the resident is disappointed. In about two months, the State Secretary will return to Cranendonk to discuss the nuisance further.


Azc Budel employees: ‘Please don’t close this’

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Desperation attempt to prevent closure of asylum seekers’ center in Budel

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