After two previous explosions in Amsterdam, a door in Driemond was also blown up last night

For the third night in a row, a door to a house was blown up in the city. Now the residents of a house on Burgemeester Kasteleinstraat in Driemond were screwed. After the explosion, a large fire also broke out.

The damage to the building is clearly visible. There is virtually nothing left of the front door and there is glass everywhere. According to a witness, a local resident helped a woman and a dog get out of the house.

Why the house was targeted must also be investigated here, it appears that the house is uninhabitable for the time being.

There have been an extremely large number of these types of explosions in the city recently. This year, AT5’s archive contains at least 100 messages with the word explosion in the headline. This week, doors of homes were also blown up with an explosive device in IJburg and Noord. “You may be a bit jaded because it happens so often, but this way it comes close,” said a neighbor. “I’m very shocked.”

By July, the number of explosions in the city had already been surpassed from last year, which was 99. The police already indicated halfway through that month that they expect the number to double by the end of the year. Partly due to the sky-high number, the police have asked the government for two hundred extra police officers to combat the explosion wave.
