After three times the Greatest Band in the Netherlands, Alain Timmers is now really stopping

From professional musicians to amateurs and from young to old. Anyone with any musical feeling and who wants to play in a real band can join De Grootste Band van Nederland (DGBVN). Today, this event was organized for the third time at the ice rink in Haarlem-Noord. And it turned out to be another big music festival.

The big man behind this event is the Haarlemmer Alain Timmers. He came up with this musical idea through a video on YouTube.

“I once saw a video of the Rockin’ 1000 from Italy. They wanted to bring The Foo Fighters to Italy and therefore played the song Learn to Fly by the American rock band with a thousand musicians. When I saw that, I thought: we can do that too. ”

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After an edition in 2016 on the Grote Markt and a year later in the Waarderpolder, it was quiet around DGBVN for a while. mead financial shortcomings and two corona years, the event has been canceled in recent years.


A serious note was also played during De Grootste Band Van Nederland 2022. For example, money was collected by the Haarlem4Ukraine foundation for a hospital in Ukraine.

“That hospital is now using an old bathtub to disinfect medical equipment. With this campaign we want to collect money for a device that can disinfect medical equipment. That is a very concrete goal and hopefully we will raise enough”, says Timmers.

Last time Timmers

The third edition of DGBVN was held in the middle of the ice rink in Haarlem-Noord. There were about four hundred musicians. Despite another successful edition, this was the last time that Timmers was involved with the organization.

“I’ve said before, after previous editions, that I would stop and I’m saying that again,” he responds with a laugh. “But this is really the last time. I’m too busy with other things.”

A successor has not yet been found. “People can take over that way,” Timmers continues. “All scripts are ready and I will support you too. But really: this was definitely my last time.”
