After three robberies at her gas station, Esther decided to ‘teach problem young people a lesson’

Esther Wokke (50) from Alkmaar knows better than anyone else how to reach young people who have been written off as ‘unmanageable’ or ‘derailed’. As a teacher in special education, she made it to the final of ‘Teacher of the Year 2019’. Now it’s time to inspire others with her celebrated teaching method. “First comes the child, and then the pupil.”

Esther Wokke – Melle Bos


“So many people ask me: but what do you do then Esther? Then I always give the same answer: just try to really see and really hear the child, it’s often not that much.”

“As a teacher, you naturally want the children to develop, but everyone should actually continue to develop as a person. I now give master classes to teachers from primary education, secondary education and MBO and I see that everyone overflows in work. Many teachers now give the mentor hours free time or have students do their homework on the phone, but in my opinion those are the most important hours. That’s where you can really make contact with each other. Because what’s the point of a diploma if you don’t succeed as a person.”

Melle Bos

“I want to teach them a different way of looking and thinking. They are still so stuck in the thought: ‘we have to do this and we have to do that’. You don’t have to do anything, I say. First comes the child, then the student With my story I hope to achieve that in education we will see the child first again, because that really has to change.


“After a few years in practical education, I made the switch to the Spinaker in Alkmaar, a school for young people with parenting and behavioral problems and learning difficulties. Here I started working with interaction science, with the focus on the social development and personal development of the children. And that immediately made a difference. My class became calmer, bullying decreased and the results went up.”

“I make students aware of everything they do, what they say, what they think and especially what they feel. That is always the top priority for me, I am purely concerned with the inside. You make people so very aware of their behaviour, and then you can start making a difference.”

Esther keeps up the supermentor agenda – Melle Bos

“I always have an initial conversation with the student and parents. No conversation, no start. I can remember a conversation very well: young girl, still chewing gum, big mouth, unresponsive. Really a problem, and then she comes too in a class full of boys.”

“So then I constantly kept a line with her, I called it women among themselves. And that went fantastic. Our bond became stronger and we now go through fire for each other. It is now much better and if it really isn’t allowed they always call me. I’ve been strict with her, but also consistent and attentive. And that works. Her mother texted recently: you’ve always been there during the most difficult times. Now I get goosebumps.”

“I wanted them to listen to me. I really wanted to teach the robbers a lesson, the freaks!”

Esther Wokke

From behind the counter to the front of the classroom

“After my training as a sports teacher at the Cios, I gave up teaching after a few years. I then worked at my parents’ gas station and I really liked it. People really walked around to get their Marlboro package at Texaco Wokke It was really a busy affair.”

“Until the first robbery in 2004, I can still remember it. He just ran in, put a gun to my head and I had to give money. I did then and I could only hope that he didn’t shoot.”

Esther Wokke during her presentation – Melle Bos

“The second time was in 2008. Then two young gassies walked in, and they thought they could get some money quickly. Then I started the confrontation. so they couldn’t go out. That wasn’t really convenient, but I wanted them to listen to me. I really wanted to teach the robbers a lesson, the crazy people. “What are you doing?” I asked. They stammered a bit, but I think it impressed them.”

“During the third robbery in 2010, I really got into a fight with the robber, that was really intense. The robber didn’t take anything, but I was completely done with the work in the pump.”

“I now want to work preventively with my method. I no longer want to talk to those robbers, that makes no sense anymore. That is afterwards. But I now want to tackle the problem with the young people in advance.”

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