After the World Cup debacle – DLV disempowers head coach Stein


As of: September 24, 2023 9:39 p.m

Four weeks after the first medalless World Championships, the German Athletics Association removed its head coach Annett Stein from power on Sunday (September 24th, 2023).

By Bettina Lenner, Budapest

As the DLV announced on its homepage, the senior national coaches will in future report directly to sports director Jörg Bügner. Whose area of ​​competence will be “significantly expanded”it was said.

“Structural change is progressing”

Discussions are currently being held with Annett Stein about her future tasks at DLV. “We are thus consistently driving forward structural change within the DLV”said DLV CEO Idriss Gonschinska.

The aim is to sharpen responsibilities. “We want to act faster, leaner and more horizontally, with fewer hierarchies,” explained the 54-year-old.

For the first time without a World Cup medal

After the second of three days of the standing conferences on competitive sports as well as talent development and promotion of young talent in Darmstadt, the DLV is drawing conclusions from the sobering performance at the World Cup four weeks ago in Budapest. For the first time since the title competitions were introduced with the premiere in Helsinki in 1983, the German athletes did not win a medal there.
