After the manger was stolen from Alex, Jesus is now a child’s doll

The nativity scene with the Three Wise Men at the Alex Christmas market

The nativity scene with the Three Wise Men at the Alex Christmas market Photo: Olaf Selchow

By Sara Orlos Fernandes

The Three Wise Men bow before the Infant Jesus lying in the manger. BUT: This one has no golden hair, no red cheeks – he is a naked, bald baby doll.

The reason for the doll Jesus at the Christmas market on Alex: The figure has already been stolen ten times, and the organizer Hans Dieter Laubinger (75) had to replace it ten times.

The baby Jesus is a bald child's doll

The baby Jesus is a bald child’s doll
Photo: Olaf Selchow

Cost per figure: At least 500 euros.

“I’m saddened by the people we have here. I’ve had enough. Sometimes they took a sheep with them, sometimes the Christ Child,” says Laubinger.

Organizer Hans Dieter Laubinger stole the Christ Child

Organizer Hans Dieter Laubinger stole the Christ Child

Photo: Xamax

On the other hand, nobody wants the play doll. It was the only solution for the organizers – even if little Jesus with bright blue eyes and wide open mouth often made passers-by laugh.

The operator still misses the original figure today. “I bought the crib in the USA in 1991 for 50,000 DM,” he says. He doesn’t want to lose any more of the Christkind and has therefore additionally screwed on the plastic doll.


Alexanderplatz Berlin police theft
