After the Corona outbreak: These new rules apply to the German handball players – Handball EM – Handball

Despite victory against Poland: no party!

Christoph Steinert, birthday child and most successful German shooter in the last group game against Poland on Tuesday (01/18/2022) became clear after the game. When asked if there would be a little birthday party after the win, he said: “No, absolutely not, absolutely not!

Strict corona rules apply to the players. Since the Corona outbreak became known, the team members have been isolating themselves in their single rooms. The players only go out for walks. Food is brought to players’ rooms. Video studies to prepare for the opponents are currently only being sent digitally via chat accomplished.

At an online press conference on Wednesday (January 19, 2022), captain Johannes Gola made it clear that the atmosphere in the team was different than at previous tournaments. Nevertheless, all players would handle the situation well and there was an intensive exchange in chat-Groups.

So far no training after the Corona outbreak

There has also not been any training since the Corona outbreak. The team only met again on the bus when they left for the game against Poland, said national coach Alfred Gislason at the press conference. The team only saw the nominated players in the dressing room in the hall after the negative ones PCR– Tests of the successor templates.

It was a very special situation to move everywhere with a mask, even in the dressing room‘ said Paul Drux, moving up. ‘But maybe that gave us a certain looseness.

It’s a mystery to me how the virus got in to us“, resigned national coach Gislason. Since the beginning of January, the strict rules have been adhered to and it still happened.”We can hardly do more“said Gislason.


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