After termination of contract at SV Sandhausen: Sickinger changes permanently to SV Elversberg

Quote from Patrol

Quote from Trigga1909

Did he leave Lautern at the time in a dispute? Otherwise it would have been a very obvious change

Not in dispute, but I would say his departure was a bit unfortunate.

As is well known, he made his first professional appearances at FCK when he was young. It was quickly integrated back then and absolutely convincing in terms of performance. Schommers was then appointed captain during a difficult sporting phase and after Hemlein had been demoted, which over time resulted in a severe loss of performance. To be honest, it has to be said here that the decision to make Sickinger captain was completely wrong at the time. It would have needed other players and not a 21-22 year old shy boy who didn’t have any leadership qualities.

Ultimately, he rarely set himself apart from the average, stagnated in development and it was actually obvious to all sides that further cooperation after the 20/21 season no longer made sense. The change to the 2nd division in Sandhausen came as a bit of a surprise. Everyone saw potential in him, but since his performance and development curve was already clearly pointing downwards, many FCK fans doubted that a change of air would be enough to assert himself in the 2nd division.

FCK are actually currently looking for alternatives for central midfield (at the latest if Ciftci and Götze should go), but I’m just assuming that Sickinger still doesn’t have the quality for the 2nd division. I don’t want to rule out that he’ll get there at some point, but I think Elversberg would currently make the most sense for his development. In particular, the calm environment there could benefit him.

Nicely summarized.
In my opinion, Carlo also clearly felt that he had better jobs, even though his performance went downhill. He has always avoided clear commitments to FCK, even though he was captain, in my opinion an absolute no go. I don’t think that was well received by the team at the time either, because he was anything but a leader and many people must have wondered what the circus was supposed to be about. Patience and humility are unfortunately character traits that consultants undermine in order to make profit from their offspring as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, Carlo is a typical example of this.
