After moving to Dubai: Bushido’s wife is on a drip

In August, the Ferchichis emigrated to Dubai – but with the new home there are apparently new problems: Bushido’s wife Anna-Maria recently published photos showing them in the hospital.

She posted the pictures on her Instagram story on September 7th. “Right now I’m sick and this time it really blew my mind. I started our new life with completely different expectations and then feeling so slowed down threw me in a little hole,” she wrote on the post.

Not an easy restart in Dubai

She has not revealed what exactly the mother of eight suffers from. However, she went on to explain that the cause of her illness was the stress of moving: “We gave away EVERYTHING, our entire household, with all the trimmings, to friends. That means we have to get things new here from AZ. Setting up the house, getting school supplies for four children, taking care of the babies, going for walks, driving the children, shopping, etc., etc., I can’t do everything at the moment,” says Bushido’s wife.

Subsequent stories show a wheelchair and herself lying in a hospital bed. Next to her you can see Bushido, who has now taken over her role in the house: “It’s the first time that we’ve swapped sides. Now my family takes care of me,” she captioned the photo. Bushido’s wife will also be in the hospital for the next few days. You still need “a few days of antibiotics through the vein,” she explained.
