After months of nuisance in the transport zone in Rekkem: 33 street racers lose their driver’s license during police action | mean

rackIn Rekkem, the police identified 33 motorists on Saturday evening who were about to participate in a street race. Remarkable: eighteen of them have had their driver’s license for less than two years. They, like the others, now lost that for fifteen days. “Let it be a strong warning that we do not tolerate this kind of brash behaviour,” the police said.

Hans Verbeke

Latest update:

In recent months, there has been regular nuisance from street racers in the wider area around Kortrijk. This is the case in the Kortrijk Xpo car park, but also in other places, such as the LAR transport zone in Rekkem. There is little movement there on weekend evenings, so young people with tuned cars regularly gather there. It leads to unsafe traffic behavior such as accelerating quickly, braking heavily, carrying out donuts,…

Illegal street racing and other showy behavior in Menen and the surrounding area: the police are thoroughly fed up with it. (archive photo from January 2022 as illustration) © PZ Vlas

street race

“A local resident called us on Saturday evening that there was a disturbance again,” said Commissioner Stefaan Vannieuwenhuyse of the Grensleie police zone. “An anonymous team was quickly on the spot. Our people determined that a street race was imminent. Additional teams, also from Mouscron, were asked to close off the area. Some drivers tried to escape, but were caught.

(read more below the photo)

Illegal street racing and other showy behavior in Menen and the surrounding area: the police are thoroughly fed up with it.  (archive photo from January 2022 as illustration)
Illegal street racing and other showy behavior in Menen and the surrounding area: the police are thoroughly fed up with it. (archive photo from January 2022 as illustration) © PZ Vlas

Lots of young drivers

In the end, the police were able to identify 33 street racers. “Eighteen of them turned out to have had their driver’s license for less than two years,” Vannieuwenhuyse continues. “No one appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. By order of the public prosecutor, all 33 motorists had to surrender their driving license for fifteen days.” There are no foreigners among the directors and few people from the Menen region. Some come from Ronse, Ostend, Sint-Martens-Latem and mainly drive expensive Audis or BMWs.

Clear signal

The police are satisfied with the result of the action. “It is a clear signal that we will not tolerate such showy behaviour. Drivers are immediately penalized for inciting others to unsafe driving. Such a driving ban is not nothing, hopefully it is a lesson for the future”, concludes Vannieuwenhuyse.

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