After January 6th, no one wants to buy this candy

Fazer’s Kluuvikatu cafe and store cherish the sweet traditions of Christmas.

Eero Paulamäki says that traditional kinuski stays good for a week. If you eat it later, you should freeze the kinuski. Eeva Paljakka

Kinuski and ice cranberries are the classic Christmas sweets of Fazer’s Kluuvikatu cafe, whose recipes are more than a hundred years old.

Karl Fazer brought the kinuskin recipe from St. Petersburg, where he was an apprentice. Fazer’s Kluuvikatu pastry chef Eero Paulamäki says that kinuski is made with exactly the same recipe.

Kinuski comes with sugar, cream, caramel syrup and vanilla.

– I have tried to make kinuski at home using the same recipe, but I have never been able to imitate that taste. Fazer’s kinuski is cooked in a pressure cooker, so its caramelization point is slightly higher than in a regular home cooker, says Paulamäki.

Because of that, the Maillard reaction is stronger, which gives kinuski a deeper and softer taste.

The only change has taken place in the raw materials, which are no longer the same as they were more than a hundred years ago.

Paulamäki gives the example that, for example, a cream manufacturer had to be changed to another a few years ago.

– The fat percentage and all other values ​​of the cream were the same, but for some reason the texture of the cream also changed. I had to scratch my head for a while, how to get back to the same result. I raised the cooking temperature by two degrees, and the problem was solved.

Fazer’s master pastry chef Eero Paulamäki is one of the three who can also cook kinus. Eeva Paljakka

Currently, there are only three people in Fazer’s entire staff who know how to cook Karl Fazer’s traditional kinuski. The cooking skills have passed from one Kluuvikatu pastry chef to another.

– The recipe exists, but the device is a bit cumbersome. During the entire cooking process, you have to adjust the pressure manually, as well as monitor the temperature and mixing speed, Paulamäki explains and continues:

– If you screw up, the whole set goes wrong. It happens every year. In a certain way, making kammonksu kinuski, when it’s so difficult, you have to concentrate on it for 12 hours. But, if you get the job done completely, it’s really great.

Paulamäki immediately knows the answer when you ask him about his favorite sweet.

– Every time I cut the first slice of kinuski and taste it, I say that it is by far my favorite sweet.

Even though kinuski is one of the favorite products of Kluuvikatu and Vieiralukeskus, it runs out of sales quickly. According to Paulamäki, after January 6, no one asks for kinuski anymore.
