After Giro555 action day for Ukraine, 106 million euros raised

The amount was announced yesterday in the TV program Together in action for Ukrainea broadcast that could be seen simultaneously on NPO 1, RTL 4 and SBS 6.

Started at 21.4 million

Until yesterday morning, Giro555 had already collected 21.4 million euros. Yesterday around noon, that amount had risen to more than 29.5 million euros and at the beginning of the evening the standings were 40.9 million. So tens of millions of euros were added. Part of this comes from the cabinet: in the broadcast it was announced that the cabinet is allocating another 15 million euros for emergency aid to Ukraine, on top of the 24.5 million that was promised earlier.

Which also contributed a lot: the proceeds from the commercial breaks that could be heard during the radio campaign that lasted from 06:00 am to 21:00 pm, also go to Giro555.

Other promotions

Giro555 is an initiative of eleven aid organizations. In exceptional cases, such as major disasters or the outbreak of deadly diseases such as Ebola, the initiative is open to donations. That happened before the war in Ukraine last Monday and the proceeds are for shelter, medical care and clean drinking water for affected Ukrainians.

Since the 1980s, Giro555 has organized dozens of actions. One raised more money than the other. The 106 million that has been raised so far for the war in Ukraine is currently in third place in the list of highest amounts ever raised:

  1. Tsunami Asia, 2004: 208 million euros.
  2. Haiti earthquake, 2010: 111 million euros.
  3. Ukraine war, 2022: 106 million euros so far
  4. Kosovo war, 1999: 52 million euros
  5. 2005 Pakistan, India and Afghanistan earthquake: 42 million euros

By the way, you can still donate via the site of Giro555.

Source: NOS.
