After driving amok: Worship in the Memorial Church

The memorial service in the Memorial Church

The memorial service in the Memorial Church Photo: NNEGRET HILSE/REUTERS

From BZ/dpa

After the fatal rampage in Berlin City West, numerous people commemorated the dead and injured in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church on Wednesday evening.

Among the guests were Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens), Berlin’s Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey and Senator for Education Astrid-Sabine Busse (both SPD), but also emergency services from the fire brigade and police. Many citizens also expressed their deep sympathy during the prayer.

“Brutal violence” broke out on unsuspecting people during the incident on Wednesday, said General Superintendent Ulrike Trautwein at the prayer service. “Such a situation leaves us speechless.” Many witnesses and those affected still have the screams of the people in their ears, said Trautwein.

On Wednesday morning, a car drove into a group of people on the popular shopping street near the Berlin Memorial Church – a teacher died and many other people were injured.

“It was a very touching devotional, which was also an opportunity for many people to somehow process this day today,” said Giffey.

Among the visitors to the service were some who had already been in the vicinity of the Memorial Church in December 2016. At that time, an Islamist assassin drove into a Christmas market there.

“It was good that we came together here. But it’s hard to find comfort on a day like this,” Giffey said.


Berlin police rampage
