After denying abuse: Peter Gillis admits ‘incident in the private sphere’ now | entertainment

“Mr Gillis and his partner Nicol regret that a private incident in May this year led to the involvement of the police. No report has been made, and criminal prosecution is therefore taking place against the will of all involved,” says Van de Biezenbos after reporting from BN/The Voice.

The lawyer of the well-known holiday park owner also says that the previously planned substantive treatment of the case, later this month, will not take place. “At the request of the defense, more clarity must first be obtained by hearing a witness. This request has already been granted by the court. The case will therefore not be heard substantively on 12 August. It is not yet known when it comes to a new session.”


Last month stories appeared on the internet that Gillis, known from the SBS6 reality series Mass is Cash, allegedly involved in the assault of his partner Nicol. That would have happened on May 29 in Gillis’ holiday park Prinsenmeer in Ommel.

The owner would have been arrested and had to spend a night in jail. The police wanted to in July The Telegraph We did confirm that a sixty-year-old man had been arrested in May and that he had spent one night in jail, but could not say anything about the identity of those involved. Gillis and Kremers themselves had so far dismissed the reporting as “nonsense” and “not true”.
