After decades, pannaveld has to leave because of noise pollution: school is disappointed with decision

The panna field next to primary school ‘t Padland in Venhuizen will be removed in the short term. The municipality decided this after complaints from some local residents about noise nuisance. The field has been there for a long time, but does not appear to comply with the rules.

Pannaveld aan ‘t Padland in Venhuizen has to go – NH Nieuws

Other residents and the adjacent school react with incomprehension to the decision. Last year, reports of nuisance came in. This year, a mediator should come to a solution in talks with people from the municipality, the complainants and the school. “But we were never invited to those conversations,” explains director Ingrid van Heezen of primary school ‘t Padland.

The school uses the public sports field during breaks and gym classes. “We wanted to talk, we also asked when it was our turn. But when we were allowed to talk to the municipality last July, it turned out that the mediation had almost been completed, and we were still allowed to give our input.”

Solve to keep out sound

The school principal suggested taking soundproofing measures. Such as rubber tiles, a rubber coating over the metal fences or noise barriers. But a month later, the school received a letter that the field will be removed this fall, even though a new location has yet to be found. The wrong order as far as the school principal is concerned. “Because who says there won’t be resistance at other locations?”

Joy among objectors

Neighbors who have objected are pleased with the decision. “The banging continues from sunrise to sunset,” says local resident Andras Theunissen. He understands that the school and other neighbors are not happy with him and the others. “We also looked at soundproofing measures, but according to the experts that makes no sense.”

A major problem is the distance from the field to the boundary of the houses. It should be at least thirty meters, but now borders directly on the fence of the garden. “We’re not even outside anymore,” said Theunissen.

“I hope the municipality now pays more attention to the rules”

andras theunissen, objector

The municipality confirms that the distance is the big problem. “The location of the panna field is so close to the living environment that other measures do not offer a solution,” said a spokesperson. It is also the reason that the municipality now says that it can do nothing but remove the field now, even if there is no new location yet.”

“I hope that the municipality now pays better attention to the rules. This is a mistake of the past, and we are convinced that the municipality now recognizes their mistake,” responds local resident Andras Theunissen. Still, the objector does not understand why the municipality does not first look for a new location.

Seven new locations discussed

“It is also strange for us, this was never the intention for us. We also do not understand why the municipality has made this decision in this way. The field will not be removed, it will be moved.”

According to the local resident, during the mediation conversations, the contents of which are secret, seven locations were discussed in the area where the field can return. But the council doesn’t want to go into that. “The content of the mediation is secret. We will enter into discussions with the parties involved, and the council has yet to make a budget available.”

It is not yet clear how much the move will cost. “We expect the city council to make a decision on this later this year,” said the spokesperson.

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Children of primary school ‘t Padland are not happy that the panna field is leaving – NH Nieuws/Maarten Edelenbosch

Council questions about state of affairs

Parties in the city council also want clarification about the state of affairs. Both the VVD if General Interest Drechterland have asked questions. “You have to follow the right procedures. And I want to know what the motives were to solve it in this way,” said Idso Brouwer of Algemeen Belang Drechterland.

School director Ingrid van Heezen will have a meeting with the municipality next week about a solution. “We had previously also proposed to use part of our own site for this. I think it is in the interest of our youth that a panna field should continue to exist on this side of the village. That is my assignment to the municipality.”

Capital destruction?

The playing field used to be a hardened basketball court for years. Because so many balls ended up in neighborhood residents’ gardens, ball catchers (nets) have been installed. In 2017 it was upgraded to panna field. That cost 15,000 euros, of which the school paid 5,000 euros.

The value of the field was estimated at 50,000 euros in 2020. Is that money wasted now? “The basic principle is that as much material as possible is reused, so that the investments made earlier are used again,” said a spokesperson. It is not yet clear what the construction of a new panna field will cost.

This is a message from the common West Frisian news editor

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