After beating Portugal in Qatar: Morocco fans celebrate World Cup coup worldwide

In Morocco, after the national soccer team made it into the World Cup semi-finals, there was no stopping them: people all over the country celebrated the 1-0 win against Portugal on the streets of Morocco with flags and jerseys, as a dpa reporter from Rabat reported.

“It’s a dream for us,” said a fan of the “German Press Agency” in a rush of joy. The Moroccan press was also enthusiastic about the victory. “The Moroccan national team performs the miracle,” headlined the TV channel “2M” on its website. The team has won fame for the nation and the entire African continent, praised the state agency “MAP”.

A number of people gathered in central squares in many cities to celebrate. The national flag decorates streets and houses. “Congratulations to all of us and congratulations to the Moroccan national team for this achievement, which made all Moroccans, all Africans and all Arabs happy,” said the “MAP”.

Cheering scenes also in German cities

The Moroccan national team became the first team in Africa to reach a World Cup semi-final. Enthusiasm was also great in other Arab countries. In Tunisia, many people followed the game with great enthusiasm. In the capital Tunis, after the victory, motorcades drove through the rain-soaked streets, honking their horns. The fans also cheered in Egypt.

There were also scenes of jubilation in some German cities. In Dortmund, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf, among others, Morocco fans celebrated with pyro torches on the streets, according to the police, around 300 to 400 people came together in Berlin-Neukölln.

A spokesman for the police situation service said the celebration in Sonnenallee was not going quite as the police imagined. Several officers were on duty. According to the police, fans also lit firecrackers. This is actually only allowed on New Year’s Eve or with a special permit. There was also a party at Alexanderplatz. According to the police, around 80 to 100 people had gathered there.
