After a year and a half, case ‘Eveline’ about leaked naked photos of BVs comes to Ghent council chamber | Inland

About a year and a half ago, nude photos and videos of, among others, Peter Van de Veire, Stan Van Samang and Sean Dhondt did the rounds on social media. They turned out to have been ambushed by a young man from Ghent. In addition to the three BVs, there are also a number of other victims. How much does the public prosecutor’s office of Ghent not want to lose.

The investigation has now been completed and on April 27 the council chamber in Ghent will consider the referral. It does not want to say what the prosecutor will claim for the time being. “We are not commenting on content for the time being,” it sounds. “The public prosecutor’s office will announce its position in the chambers. We do not wish to provide any communication about the content of the final claim before all parties have been able to take cognizance of the position of the public prosecutor’s office.”
