After a long time, Poland has sight of EU billions again | Abroad

The committee has approved a Polish subsidy application that should make the country less dependent on gas from Russia in particular. If the 27 EU countries also agree, the country could receive an advance of 5.1 billion euros. The Member States will decide on this within four weeks.

In order to receive further payments from the tens of billions in subsidies and cheap loans to which Poland is entitled, it must still meet a number of requirements. For example, the Polish judiciary must become more independent of politics. Brussels and the right-wing nationalist government in Warsaw have fought a tough battle in recent years over attempts by the government to bend the Polish judges to its will.

Now that pro-EU parties have won the elections and are working on a new government, Brussels is making a more accommodating impression. The opposition has always assured that the flow of money from Brussels would resume if they were given control. According to EU diplomats, it would be good if Poland noticed that a constructive attitude paid off.
