After a five-set thriller: Friedrichshafen is in the volleyball cup final , Volleyball | VfB Friedrichshafen – SWR – Regional

It was the meeting of two giants of German volleyball: The Bundesliga record champions VfB Friedrichshafen received the reigning German champions Berlin Recycling Volleys in the semifinals of the DVV Cup. This game was actually supposed to take place in December 2021, but then had to be postponed due to the corona.

Game balanced for a long time

Both teams came into play similarly nervous and produced some serve errors. Only in the second half of the sentence did the Berliners score a few points in a row and win it 25:22. In the second set, the hosts were noticeably more confident in their actions and got the 1:1 set equalization. The third set went back to the favorites from Berlin at 25:18, but Friedrichshafen managed to equalize again with a strong performance in the fourth set.

So it went into the decisive fifth set, in which the Berliners quickly led with a mini break. The hosts didn’t give up and concentrated on playing their attacks, and the Häflern scored a few points on their own serve. In the end, Vojin Ćaćić converted the third of four match balls and made the 3:2 victory and thus the final entry for VfB Friedrichshafen perfect.

Friedrichshafen meets Lüneburg on March 6th

It was the fourth meeting of the two clubs this season, Friedrichshafen had only won one set in the first three duels. Friedrichshafen meets SVG Lüneburg in Mannheim in the final on March 6th.

Source: SWR


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