After 900 years, Kuurne has a donkey as a statue

After 900 years, Kuurne has a donkey as a statue

From now on, the work of art ‘the stubborn donkey’ will adorn the town hall. Artist Philip Moerman from Heule: “It is a bronze donkey with half its body trapped in a pedestal. With a rope attached to its mouth, the resident can help pull it out. But the donkey remains stubbornly stuck in the stone… a stone donkey.”


The work of art is also decorated with the poem ‘The Life Companion’ by village poet Katrien Bonte: “The Life Companion is about life, our place and happiness. A beautiful play of words that characterizes the Kuurnen residents, donkeys.” (Read more below the photo.)

In the policy plan ‘Time for Space 2018-2024’ the ambition was expressed to place a statue in open space. “In 2019-2020 we worked with artist Nick Ervinck on how we could place this in public space. This resulted in beautiful proposals and locations,” says Mayor Benoit.

Cost of the donkey: 40,000 euros, of which the Order of the Donkey will pay 10,000 euros and the municipality of Kuurne 30,000 euros.
