After 33 years in the MotoGP, Het Wilhelmus returns to play

The Dutch national anthem that we listen to practically at every Formula 1 GP celebrated Veijer’s victory on Sunday in Seòpang.

Mario Salvini


We listen to it practically every Sunday that Formula 1 races. There is no need to explain: this year Max Verstappen thought about it 17 times in the races held. Those who also follow Formula E and the Motocross World Championship have often heard it there and there too, because of Nick deVries and Jeffrey Herlings. In the MotoGP, no, it hasn’t happened for 33 years. As the headline in the Dutch newspapers, for which the fight between Bagnaia and Martin faded into the news, accompanying the Moto3, where Collin Veijer won on Sunday.

Exploded mid-season

The Dutch boy had been anonymous until Silverstone. Then suddenly he revealed himself in Zandvoort and yesterday in Sepang he won. The last Dutch victory in the world championship was by Hans Spaan, also in the third series, if we can say so, that is in 125, at Brno 1990. So, as the title says, after 33 years “Wilhelmus” has sounded again


“Het Wilhelmus”, “The Wilhelm”, as the Dutch affectionately call their national anthem.
