After 14 seasons it’s enough for the friends of Bevo | 1Limburg

After 14 seasons in the main squad of handball club Bevo, Jeroen van den Beucken and Nick de Kuyper have said goodbye.

The highlight for both handball players was winning the Dutch title in 2014.

National champion in 2014
The two can remember exactly every moment of that blistering final against fellow provincial Lions. “In retrospect, it turned out to be the only main prize,” concludes Jeroen van den Beucken.

The youngest in the group
A salient detail is that both were added to the Bevo first team in the same season. “At that time I was the youngest in the group, but luckily after a few months Jeroen joined. Since that time we have become really good friends,” explains Nick de Kuyper about that initial period.
