Advisory committee: 3.5 GHz band to be used for mobile communication in 2023 | news item

News item | 12-05-2022 | 4:00 pm

In 2023, the Netherlands can use the so-called 3.5 Gigahertz (GHz) frequency band for national mobile communication to further develop 5G technology. Some of these Dutch frequencies are currently still used by a satellite company for emergency, urgent and safety communication with maritime shipping. That is why the cabinet must make it possible for these services to move abroad as soon as possible. An external and independent committee advises the cabinet on this. The committee indicates that the conclusions are supported by the satellite company concerned and the current mobile telecom providers.

The committee recommends that the satellite company Inmarsat relocate its specific services in this band to a location they provide in Greece. The originally intended frequency space (300 Megahertz) for national mobile communication in this band, such as 5G, will become available after an auction on 1 December 2023. As long as the foreign location is not yet operational (the aim is January 1, 2024), the satellite company will still have limited space (80 Megahertz) to continue its activities.

Minister Micky Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate) has received the external and independent advice and will present a government response before this summer. On the basis of the advice, the Ministry of Economic Affairs will draw up a new decision to amend the so-called National Frequency Plan (NFP) and in the meantime will continue to consult with the satellite company about facilitating its intended move to Greece. Also in the 3.5 GHz band, as planned, 100 Megahertz (of the total 400) will remain available for local wireless applications.

EU obligation nationwide mobile communication via 3.5 GHz frequency band

Due to digitization, data traffic is increasing strongly and the construction of new networks such as 5G is essential for consumers and companies. This requires radio frequencies, such as in the so-called 3.5 GHz band. The Netherlands, where mobile internet belongs to the European top, has an EU obligation to make this frequency band available as soon as possible for national mobile communication for the purpose of offering 5G technology. The cabinet is preparing an auction for this.

Advisory committee members

The advisory committee was established by the Council of Ministers in December 2021. Mr. Hans de Jong (former president of Philips Nederland and now, among other things, a member of the Supervisory Board of the company) is chairman of the advisory committee. The other members are Prof. Dr. Bart Smolders (professor and dean of the Electrical Engineering Department at Eindhoven University of Technology and wireless and radio communication expert), Dr. Jan Willem Velthuijsen (chief economist PWC Netherlands and market expert) and Prof. Dr. Johan Wolswinkel (Professor of Administrative Law, Market and Data at Tilburg University and expert in the distribution of scarce public rights such as frequencies).
