Advisory Board on Openness and Information Management established | news item

News item | 03-06-2022 | 14:15

On the proposal of Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), also on behalf of State Secretary Uslu of Culture and Media, the Council of Ministers has approved the appointment of Ineke van Gent as chair of the Advisory Board on Public Access and Information Management. Together with Mrs. Amma Asante (chairman of the National Client Council) and Mr. Martin Berendse MA (director-director of the Amsterdam Public Libraries Foundation), they will form the advisory board.

This advisory board, which was established under the Open Government Act, will advise the government and parliament on solicited and unsolicited advice on the disclosure of government information and the long-term plans for improving information management. The advisory board will also have a mediation task for journalists and scientists.

Chairman Van Gent: “As a former Member of Parliament, I know better than anyone how important it is that the government is open about its actions and provides insight into its considerations. But I also experience that as mayor. It is important for people to have access to their files, to their data, and to understand how certain considerations are made. That journalists can control power. There is a lot of work to be done to regain trust. I consider it an honor that I can contribute to this as chairman of the Advisory Board on Public Access and Information Management, and it is a responsibility. I will tackle those challenges with enthusiasm, together with Amma and Martin, who each bring a relevant support base and expertise.”

core task

The Advisory Board on Public Access and Information Management is an independent advisory board of a maximum of five members, which will advise the government and parliament on solicited and unsolicited advice on the disclosure of government information, both by bodies of the central government and by provinces, municipalities and water boards. The other two members will be appointed in the second half of this year. The college is supported by an official office. The Board will also advise the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the State Secretary for Culture and Media (responsible for the Archives Act) on the implementation of the multi-year plans for improving information management at government organisations. The advisory board will also mediate in response to complaints submitted by journalists and scientists about the way in which a government organization handles their Woo requests. The aim is to be able to accept mediation cases from September 2022. The first recommendations will also appear after the summer.
