Advisor reveals “Plan” by ex-BVB star Erling Haaland

According to advisor Rafaela Pimenta, Erling Haaland’s move from Borussia Dortmund to Manchester City was part of the Norwegian striker’s meticulously worked out career plan. The successor to the late star agent Mino Raiola also commented on the secret of the success of the ex-BVB professional.

“There are a lot of fantastic things about Erling, one of which is his father,” Pimenta told dem “Telegraph”. Alf-Inge Haaland, herself a former professional in the English Premier League, was “a man with a plan” from the first meeting with her and her long-time boss Raiola, the Brazilian described.

Erling Haaland’s career steps were then coordinated with the advisors, up to and including the move from Borussia Dortmund to Manchester City last summer.

“Everything was carefully prepared. The planning goes on every day. I say to the players: ‘If you don’t know where you want to go, you won’t get there. You might not make it anyway. But I guaranteed you, you will don’t make a case if you don’t know how to get there.’ So yes, we had a plan from the start,” said Pimenta.

Erling Haaland’s adviser “not surprised” by BVB departure

Haaland’s BVB departure saw the powerful agent coming. “It didn’t surprise me. He was ready. He wanted the change, the new challenge. He wanted to work with Pep Guardiola.”

Haaland hit Man City like a bomb. An unbelievable 20 goals after 14 competitive games for the English champions are in his statistics so far.

“Haaland is the guy who always wants more, every day,” Pimenta outlined the secret of her protégé’s success. “It’s not about the money for him. He wants a lot more: perform at the highest level and get better every day. And have fun doing it.”

Haaland enjoys being a professional, added Pimenta. “He finds everything interesting. He remains curious and enjoys his learning curve. It was super exciting for him at Dortmund and now it’s super exciting for him at City. If you don’t have fun with it, you risk a lot of frustration.”
