Advice: tried the suspect in the deadly carnival drama Horst via juvenile justice | Inland

The stabbing killed a 21-year-old young man from Horst. During Monday’s hearing, it also appeared that the suspect, Joshua de L. from Tienray, has no objection to providing personality reports from the probation service, a psychologist and a psychiatrist to the lawyer of the next of kin.

According to his lawyer, he wants to mean something to the parents of the victim in this way, so that their suffering is less. The suspect was not present at the hearing, but followed it via a video link from a special department of the prison in Vught.

The victim of the stabbing, Guus Janssen from Horst, was stabbed on the Sint Lambertusplein in his hometown on Carnival Monday around 7.35 pm. He died on the spot. According to the Public Prosecution Service, the L. stabbed the victim once in the abdomen with a knife or other sharp object. The OM speaks of manslaughter. The final indictment was not yet available on Monday, but the officer says he expects it soon.

Many people witnessed the fatal stabbing because of carnival. Shortly after the stabbing, at the beginning of March, the suspect stated to the examining magistrate that he is “extremely sorry” and is cooperating with the investigation. According to his lawyer, the suspect is a “very quiet boy”, who would have committed his act impulsively.

The court will decide on October 11 what sentence the suspect will receive.
