Advice: second booster shot for the elderly and other risk groups | Inland

The Health Council takes into account that the relaxation of the corona measures will lead to “a short-term increase in the number of infections.” People from these vulnerable groups can become seriously ill and possibly even die. That is why they should already be able to receive a second booster shot, according to the council.

Due to their medical risks, the four groups were the first to receive an extra shot last fall. Because they were the first to receive that vaccination, the protection of that booster will also be less than with others.

MRNA vaccine

It is best for people from the four groups to receive a so-called mRNA vaccine, the Council advises. These are the vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and by Moderna.

For other adults, a second booster shot is not necessary for the time being. The omikron variant is “less sickening” and the number of infections is likely to fall. “The expected health gains from a second booster vaccination for the general population are therefore small,” according to the Health Council.

The Health Council will review the situation again in March. It may then be necessary to also offer other groups of people under the age of 70 a booster shot.
