Adventurer climbs highest mountain in South America: “First of seven”

Adventurer climbs highest mountain in South America: “First of seven”

Koen wants to climb the highest mountain on every continent within three years. And that in two months. With the Aconcagua he has conquered his first of the ‘seven summits’. The next challenge is this fall. The Vinsonberg in Antarctica, which is 4,892 meters high.

“Battle Against Yourself”

Climbing mountains is the ultimate battle against yourself, says Koen. The road to the top is more important than the top itself. Conquering a mountain is 70 percent a mental tour de force and you won’t find that out until you’re on the road.

“Climbing a mountain is one thing,” says Koen Darras. “And that’s the fun part. It’s mainly the circumstances that make it tough. Lying on the cold ground for months, eating from a bag from a jar. Cold nights minus twenty, minus thirty an icy wind. That in itself is something You choose it, but it is mainly the circumstances that make it difficult.”

Seven top picks on the list

Climbing has made Koen who he is today. With his company Travel Base he organizes trips with a focus on nature. Mount Everest is last on his list of the 7 Summits. By then, in about three years’ time, he hopes to have finished his book on climbing the highest peaks.

WATCH ALSO: ‘Koen Darras climbs the highest mountain peak on every continent’ (11/05/2022):
