advances. Will Fosca 3 be done? iO Woman

Sttanight at 21.45 on Channel 5 airs thelast episode Fosca Innocenti 2: The king of perfumes. Hero Vanessa Incontrada in the role of deputy commissioner of Arezzo, divided between investigations and the relationship with Cosimointerpreted by Francis Ark.

Fosca Innocenti 2plot of the last episode

The episode opens with a new case. The crime scene is an old perfume warehouse. Inside the structure, Police officers find a lifeless body. It’s about a boy full of talent in the perfume industry and, at first glance, lucky enough to be envied by the people.

In particular, from two rivals. It’s about the finalists of a major competition in which the victim was also participating. The investigations of Fosca Innocenti and her team lead us to think that perhaps the boy was at the center of unhealthy relationships, bordering on toxicity. From the outset, in fact, the picture is quite complex.

Who killed him and why? Was the young man with a perfect and spotless life hiding something? Or are those close to him hiding a thirst for revenge? AND what is the motive? The A come to the rescue, the marked olfactory qualities of Foscawhich immediately perceives a particular smell. The boy, in fact, died poisoned.

Who is the killer?

The confirmation comes from the coroner, Doctor Fontana (Claudio Bigagli), who informs Fosca of the presence of oleandrin, a powerful poison found following an autopsy. At this point, the suspects are different. Among all, the well-known and wealthy adoptive uncle emerges, played by Cesare Bocci, owner of the perfume company where the body was found.

In an interview with Fosca he declares all his love for his nephew: “It was impossible not to love him. He was my heir.” Will it really be like this? Or does he sing its praises only to ward off any suspicion? Nonetheless, the clues lead to him. “I heard her tell him I `ll kill you“, “he said you cheated on me» say some characters in the promo.

Among these, a very angry woman, who rushed at her uncle shouting: «Bastard, you killed Lorenzo with your own money!». According to the chosen agent Giulia De Falco (Desirée Noferini)Instead, “everyone could have set the trap”. So the mystery deepens. That’s not all, because hand in hand with the investigations, Fosca has to deal with her private life.

Vanessa Incontrada in “Fosca Innocenti 2”. (Mediaset)

Fosca and Cosimo are more in love than ever, but the farmhouse goes up in flames

In the last episode, she and Cosimo suffered a setback. He he saw the kiss between her and Lapo Fineschi (Giovanni Scifoni), Fosca’s ex, who returned to Arezzo after years. No longer trusting her partner, she decides to take time “to think”. Eventually, she backtracks on her and decides to trust her. The story picks up where she left off and she seems to be finally going full steam ahead. They are united and want to build something important.

However, the attempt to save the farmhouse seems lost, since Lapo has found a buyer. Not everything will go smoothly, because according to the previews available in the promo, the structure goes up in flames.

Fosca Innocenti 3 it will do?

As always, in view of the season finalethe audience wonders what will be the continuation of the story. Until now, Fosca Innocenti he recounted the private and professional life of the deputy commissionerwithin a specific time frame. The story starts, in fact, from his return to Arezzo after years spent elsewhere for work. A dive into the past, but also the beginning of a new page.

The new encountersthat is, the colleagues with whom he leads the investigation, have quickly turned into trusted friends. The old affections, then, remained so. Among all, the nanny Bice (Giorgia Trasselli)an essential cornerstone of his life. And then there is Cosimo, the lifelong friend who, at a certain point, becomes something more and with whom he feels he can share something more than an evening with friends.

In the second season comes the twist. As sometimes happens in real life, their relationship goes through ups and downs, mainly due to the arrival of Lapo. And now what happens? Where do Fosca and Cosimo leave from? We’ll have to wait a little longer to find out. What is certain is that Fosca Innocenti 3 it will do. This was confirmed by those directly involved in an interview with TV Smiles and Songs.

