Adoption piano in Hoogeveen is looking for a new owner: ‘Enjoy it for a year’

Adopting a piano may sound strange, but it really exists. Eleven-year-old Ruben Dekker from Hoogeveen did it. For a year he had someone else’s piano at home to practice on. But the instrument can now go to someone else.

“It looks nice and sounds good too,” says Dekker as he plays around on the piano. It was a stroke of luck that he temporarily came into possession of the instrument. Last year he was sitting in the library playing another piano when two people approached him because of his beautiful playing. They wondered if he practiced the instrument at home. “I told them we didn’t have a piano in our house. They had one left and wondered if I wanted to borrow it for a year.”

At first he was a bit hesitant, but he received a letter with text and explanation. “I could then show it to my parents.” Father Jaco can still remember that moment well. “At first you think, is this correct, is this true? But our curiosity was stimulated, so we made a phone call. Then we drank coffee and spoke to each other. That felt familiar.”
